For authors
Acceptance of abstracts until April 30, 2025 
Conference languages
English, Russian
• Submit original work that has not been published previously, nor is currently submitted to any other publication,
including publications in other languages

• Plagiarism, fabrication, or falsification of any aspect of the paper is unacceptable

• Cite only articles that are directly relevant to the submitted paper

• Describe methods and materials with enough detail that the work can be reproduced

• Acknowledge research funder and any conflicts of interest

• Report any substantial changes to the paper after acceptance to the Conference Publication Chair, who may decide that re-review is appropriate; this includes changes to the bibliography
The abstract written as MS Word document, should not exceed 2 pages of A5 format, including figures and tables placed into the text. The format of the text: margins of 20 mm on all sides, single spaced interval without hyphenation and extra spaces, Times New Roman font, 10 pt. Abbreviations used in the text should be denoted at first time use.

The text of the abstract should meet the following requirements:

• Title: capital letters, bold, 12 pt, centered without indentation. 
• One space. • Information on the authors (centered without indentation), which includes: 
- Full name of the authors in the following sequence - surname, initials, bold, 10 pt. the name of the author which will present the report is underlined; 
- Full names of organizations, without abbreviations, normal 10 pt; 
- Name of the supervisor (for undergraduate and graduate students), normal 10 pt; 
- E-mail of corresponding author, normal 10 pt. 
• One space.
• Main text: normal font, size 12, single spaced without hyphenation and extra spaces, indent is 1 cm, links to pictures are Fig. 1, Fig.2, etc., links to tables are Table 1, Table 2, etc.
• One space.
• References (with the total number not exceeding 5 sources) are given in the test in a sequential order and are enclosed in square brackets.
Preparation of references:
• Title “References” is printed in bold font, size 10, and placed in the center of the line without indentation. Each reference is printed in separate line, normal font, size 9, without indention. References should be formatted in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 standards.
Formatting of figures, tables and formulas in the text of the article:
• Figures should be placed in the text above the captions. All details of illustrations should be clearly seen and easy to read.
• Captions to figures and tables should be printed as follows: Fig. 1. Name and Table 1. Name, without point after the name, normal font, size is 8 points, alignment on the left edge of the document without indention.
• Formulas are typed using MathType (Equation Editor) editor as a default setting. The file name must contain the name and initials of the author typed in latin letters, e.g. Ivanov_AA.doc or Ivanov_AA.docx.  
Submitted papers must be new and original. Make sure that your paper is substantially different from (your) previously published work. Manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism. 

Papers that has plagiarism level higher than 20% will not be accepted to the review process.
Conference fee:
Correspondence participation with publication of abstract in Proceeding:  

Online or virtual participation (including full-time participation young scientists, 

students, and graduate students)                                                                                                                                 1500 rubles

Regular participance                                                                                                                                                            3000 rubles.


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Individuals can pay by QR-code.

Short communications (not exceeding 2 pages) and Registration Form should be sent to the e-mail: